Secure Communications & Network Encryption

Securing TCP Performance-Optimized Satellite Networks with the Cipher X® 7211 IP Encryption System

Satellite performance, particularly for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), is adversely affected by the long round trip delay (over half a second) associated with geostationary high earth satellites. Many satellite equipment vendors have developed techniques to minimize this impact on users; one common technique is the use of a TCP proxy for TCP Acceleration. Application(s) requiring strong end-to-end protection using an installed satellite system with TCP Acceleration, however, have a problem. Use of a Layer 3 or 4 IP encryption system to implement end-to-end security is incompatible with TCP Acceleration techniques utilized by satellite gear unless the encryption system is specifically designed to handle this situation. TCC has developed the Cipher X 7211 IP encryption system with innovative TCP Stream Encryption operating to properly handle these optimizations seamlessly. See Full Article

Satellite dish

Secure Radio Communications — Law Enforcement's Tactical Edge

John Maher, Director of Engineering and Product Development at TCC

Secure radio systems are attractive to and within economic reach of terrorists, even those with just a modest financial support network. So how do first responders gain the tactical advantage? Lawful intercept is not possible for radio. Radios do not have the analogous infrastructure that enables such a capability. It is incumbent upon law enforcement to ensure that they not only have a secure communications solution deployed with their radio systems, but also one that is interoperable across agencies and jurisdictions. This ensures that from a communications point of view, they have tactical superiority inherent in the ability to communicate freely with all forces to counter terrorist activity. Even if their adversaries are also deploying secure solutions, law enforcement will have the tactical edge due to communications. See Full Article

Law Enforcement

Secure Voice Communications: The Backbone of Counter-Terrorism

John Maher discusses the criticality of interoperable secure radio communications for counter-terrorism operations and options to implement a solution

All major disasters — from hurricanes to industrial accidents and terrorist attacks — require coordinated emergency response. Depending on the scope and incident, the coordination must span across local and national agencies. Being prepared is the key to effective, timely and coordinated response, including having in place appropriate communications channels and processes... See Full Article

John Maher

Securing Interoperable Communications Between Different Public Safety Forces

Aerospace & Defense Technology Alert by Frost & Sullivan

The U.S. Military is often deployed in public safety missions, most commonly, National Guard units during natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or major forest fires. This assistance is most appreciated by civilian public safety organizations, but poses the challenge of securing radio communications between the different mobile and fast-moving forces in the field, often without communications infrastructure... See Full Article

Law Enforcement

Cipher One

CipherONE® Optimized Network Encryption

Our solutions meet TCC's CipherONE Optimized Network Encryption best-in-class criteria for maximum cryptographic strength, and are optimized for performance and ease of use for our customers.

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